tie | Energy Glossary

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1. n. [Geophysics]

A comparison, or the location of a comparison, of data. Properly processed and interpreted seismic lines can show good ties, or correlations, at intersection points.

See: correlationinterpretationmis-tie

2. vb. [Geophysics]

To correlate data in order to formulate or verify an interpretation or to demonstrate the relationship between data sets. Long, regional-scale 2D seismic lines are commonly tied to 3D surveys that cover a limited area, and 3D surveys of different vintages are tied to each other. Well logs are tied into seismic data routinely to determine the relationship between lithologic boundaries in the logs and seismic reflections. Properly tying all available data, including seismic data, well logs, check-shot surveys, synthetic seismograms and vertical seismic profiles, can reduce or, if there are sufficient data, eliminate ambiguity in interpretations.

See: check-shot surveycorrelationlithologyreflectorsynthetic seismogramthree-dimensional surveytwo-dimensional seismic datavertical seismic profile